
  • Treatment Train Planning
  • Biological Treatment Systems
  • Wetland Stormwater Treatment
  • Stormwater Harvesting

Ekistics first developed the concept of “Stormwater Ecology” for the Florida Aquarium Site 15 years ago. The concept was conceived to mimic the natural functions of a natural drainage system creating a series of swales that flowed into larger vegetated “strands” that in turn discharged in a created pond before leaving the site. This project was researched and studied for effectiveness and in this context called a treatment train approach. Ekistics Design Studio was one of the early wetland consultants to incorporate wetlands into a stormwater treatment master plan for development and has been involved in all related aspects of design and permitting in a collaborative role with civil engineers. Rainwater harvesting from roofs and collection in cisterns is increasingly implemented in as a water conservation tool. Ekistics calculates irrigation needs and matches this with catchment areas to help make recommendations on cistern sizing. We have also utilized man-made ponds as “open air” cisterns to serve multiple purposes.

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